Sleep disturbances occur throughout the night without you even knowing it...
Even though you were sleeping all through the night you may be experiencing sleep disturbances. There are over 70 different types of sleep disorders and are all categorized in three areas lack of sleep, disturbed sleep, and excessive sleep.
Sleep disturbances occur throughout the night without you even knowing it, this can be caused by many different problems. Keeping your body in shape, dieting correctly, removing caffeine, and developing a good lifestyle can correct these problems. Everyone is different, and your Chiropractor can help.
There are stages in your sleep that your body must go through to achieve a good night sleep, in fact there are 5. This cycles over and over throughout the night.
Light sleep and relaxation of the muscles. (Transition to sleep)
5 to 10 Minutes
Activity in the brain slows and eye movement stops. Your body is preparing for deep sleep.
10 to 15 Minutes
Brains waves become slow (delta waves) and small quick waves occur.
10 to 15 Minutes
Brains waves are all delta wave.
10 to 15 Minutes
(REM) Rapid Eye Movement – dreams occur. Usually, REM sleep happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep
Lasts for 10 Minutes
Each sleep cycle usually takes about an hour and a half to complete. During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system. Sleep is needed for your body to function properly, so take care of yourself and do what it takes to achieve a good night sleep.
Dr. Lane can help relieve your symptoms.
Below is just a few symptoms we've' treated. Click to learn more.
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Address: 6126 Lovers Lane, Portage, MI, 49002
Phone: (269) 383-2444
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2:00pm to 6:00pm
2:00pm to 5:00pm
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