What is my Body Trying to Tell me?
6 Reasons Why You Should Get a Zyto Scan
What would happen if you could discover your body's preference for nutrition, what vitamins, minerals or enzymes it needed in order to do a better job? Would you give it what it asked for? Could a proactive approach to wellness help you function at a higher level or even avoid some types of illnesses?
As a society, we spend billions of dollars each year pursuing better health. We buy drugs, try to eat the right foods and take health supplements to help us achieve and maintain peak performance. But how much of this is guess work, how do you know if you're making the best choices for you as an individual?
Using ZYTO biocommunication you can discover specific, individualized information that will provide us with the information to design a program for your body's specific nutritional requirements and the total care it needs to perform at its highest level.
When you're functioning on 'all cylinders' you feel better and have more energy. ZYTO wellness and decision support software can help you maximize your investment in health. It can assist you in getting the most out of life!
WHAT IS IT LIKE TO GET A SCAN? - Getting a ZYTO biocommunication scan is a simple and painless process. Simply place your hand on the ZYTO hand cradle while a scan is run. During the scan, subtle energetic impulses are introduced to your body through multiple input channels including the hand cradle. Your body will naturally respond to this communication and the ZYTO software records each response. Although a few people may be able to sense this energetic communication, most are unaware that the scan is taking place.
Contact Details
Address: 6126 Lovers Lane, Portage, MI, 49002
Phone: (269) 383-2444
Insurance accepted
Business Hours
Monday | Wednesday | Friday:
9:00am to 1:00pm
2:00pm to 6:00pm
2:00pm to 5:00pm
One Sat per Month
Call to Schedule
Thursday | Sunday:
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